Monday, December 15, 2008

get yer tape recorders ready....

ok, im pretty sure no one has a cassette recorder hooked up to an HD radio receiver (if you do, you rule, by the way) but really, im hoping some kid somewhere gets turned onto some of the AMAZING stuff bands are submitting to me. i mention the tape thing because some of what yer going to hear is live, like real live, "from the board i dont know if this band will ever put out a cd but this song is amazing" kinda live.

my puny mac killed a show i was working on last friday, but you will get some good stuff soon, so chill, ok?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

test....test.... do you hear that?

a bug bit me, on my leg, & it started moving around like i was dancing, so i decided to do something about it.

my employer has a regular radio station that transmits in radio waves. it also has a HD station that HD radios and online listeners can check out. i am going to do a show on that second station.

tentatively titled Testing the Waters, it will feature music from here, near here, or music that i think needs to be heard. mostly it will be indie underground stuff. bands that play because the have to get whats inside of them out. bands that push some sort of boundary that keeps their music, their work, off of the radio stations within ear shot.

some of it will be airy and light. easy to bop along to. some of it will be a little harder to ingest. i dont want to challenge listeners, i just want them to listen.

from acoustic guitars through delay pedals to neo-clasical grind-core.... its going to be a party for your ears. the kind of party you may not feel 100% comfortable at, but the next day, you will be happy you attended.

submissions pending, you will hear both old and new music from some of the best minds you might know via someone cool.

times and link to follow in the next few weeks.